How to massage for prostatitis

General or rectal massage for prostatitis is part of therapeutic therapy, the action of which aims to suppress the inflammatory process in the prostate gland. This procedure has a number of indications and contraindications that you should be familiar with before the session. Prostate massage can be performed both in hospital and at home.

Benefits of the procedure

Massage treatment of prostatitis has a number of benefits. With the help of this physiotherapeutic technique, the problem of eliminating the stagnation of biological fluids in the cavity of the prostate gland and other organs of the genitourinary system is solved. Thanks to this, they quickly get rid of pathogenic microorganisms that cause the inflammatory process.

At the end of the therapeutic massage session, the blood circulation in the problematic organ increases and its nutrition with valuable microelements is normalized. The process of urination becomes less painful as the inflammation gradually decreases. In addition, prostate massage in men has a beneficial effect on their strength, which is weakened due to the disease.

The effectiveness of the massage depends directly on who performs it. The specialist should know perfectly all the features of this procedure. His actions should be as careful and calm as possible. Otherwise, it can damage sensitive tissues, worsening the course of the pathological process in the genitourinary system.

Massage methods

Prostate massage for prostatitis is of different types. The most popular are manual techniques:

  1. Visceral massage. Its essence lies in the effect on the patient's ligaments, which are located in the abdomen. This technique allows you to improve the general condition of the internal organs of the small pelvis and normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  2. Transrectal finger massage. Provides a direct effect on the prostate gland. This technique is important for diseases of the glandular organ. The main disadvantage of the procedure is that not everyone agrees with such treatment;
  3. Acupressure. There is no stress on the prostate during the sessions. The doctor massages only specific areas of the body that are responsible for the functioning of the required internal organ.

You can massage the prostate organ yourself. In this case, the most popular is perineal massage, which is recommended for chronic prostatitis. If it is difficult for a man to perform basic actions with his hands, he can use the help of a special massager. What equipment to choose for the treatment of a glandular organ can be suggested by a specialist.

An alternative to this procedure is horseback riding as well as taking baths, which are equipped with a vibrating water massage.

Regardless of what kind of massage the patient plans to treat, it must first be ensured that the procedure will be most beneficial to him and will not lead to negative consequences.

Visceral massage for prostatitis to work the pelvic organs

Rectal prostate massage

Rectal massage of the prostate with chronic non-deteriorating prostate is considered one of the most effective methods to combat the inflammatory process in the prostate gland. According to the rules, it must be performed in the clinic. The patient should, for the convenience of the physician, assume a knee-elbow position in a separate bed. After that, the urologist can proceed with the procedure, that is, insert a lubricated finger into the anus and begin the massage.

For prostate massage to have a positive result, it should be performed with gentle and smooth movements. Haste with such a procedure is dangerous.

With the permission of the doctor, the patient can perform such sessions at home. The urologist will recommend a masseur for the treatment of prostatitis, as the finger method in this case will be difficult to perform. During the appointment, the specialist will show the patient all the features of the procedure and give useful recommendations that will help prevent major mistakes.

On average, a course of rectal massage lasts about 2 weeks. The duration of physiotherapy treatment is determined by the doctor based on the current indicator of male health and the severity of clinical symptoms of prostatitis.

General massage

Prostate massage, which is performed in the clinic and at home, can be general. Certain points that are related to the prostate gland should be included during the session. They are located in different parts of the body. A specialist will be able to show the exact location of the biologically active points.

During a general massage session, which should help a man with a prostate recover faster, the following areas are included:

  • Feet. Massaging this area helps a person get rid of the feeling of unnecessary fatigue and stress. The procedure increases venous blood flow from the pelvis. A gentle effect on certain receptors may reduce the severity of the pain;
  • Legeni. Improves blood circulation to the prostate gland. If the massage of this area is performed correctly, then the patient's problems related to erectile function cease. Pelvic massage eliminates the signs of dysuric disorders, as well as facilitates the process of defecation and urination;
  • The rear. Stagnant processes are eliminated and blood flow to the problem area is improved. After such a massage, patients notice a decrease in pain;
  • Small back. Exposure to this area activates the nerve endings that are responsible for the proper functioning of the prostate. Thanks to this, the work of the glandular organ is stabilized.

The attending physician will show you how to cure prostatitis by massaging various active points on the body. At the request of a man, he can take a thematic video showing how to massage properly to get rid of chronic inflammation in the gland.

To increase the effectiveness of the physiotherapy procedure, doctors recommend the additional use of massage products, which are supplemented with bee products and medicinal plants. Pharmacy balm will not be superfluous. Men should take a closer look at those that have an analgesic effect. They are usually made on the basis of snake or bee venom.

General prostate massage - good for the whole body

How to massage yourself for prostatitis

Questions about how to massage for chronic prostatitis should be asked by those patients who are allowed by the doctor to practice this method of treatment. A consultation with a urologist on this issue is mandatory, as not all men can afford to perform this procedure at home. This is because in some cases there are negative consequences for health.

If the patient has no contraindications and serious complications, he can perform prostate massage at home. It is best to use a massager for this treatment.

If the use of the finger method is planned, then the husband should first wear sterile gloves on the hand and smear the index finger with Vaseline or gel that can be used for such purposes. After that, it should be inserted into the anus by about 4-6 cm. At this distance you can find a small bag, which is attached to the front wall of the intestine.

The massage should be done very carefully. It is better to limit yourself to light stroke movements. It is recommended to move towards the excretory channels through which the prostate secretion comes out.

During a therapeutic massage for prostatitis, the massage can be performed in several ways. It is usually recommended to perform a funnel-shaped maneuver with your finger or circle an imaginary number 8 with it.

To make it convenient for a man to perform self-massage, he should assume a supine position, bending and spreading his legs to the sides.


Before operating on the prostate gland using massage, you should make sure that there are no contraindications to such manipulations. This requires a thorough examination of the genitourinary system. Diagnostic results will also help you know if a particular patient needs a prostate massage.

Urologists categorically prohibit prostate gland massage if the patient has the following contraindications:

  • Inflammation of hemorrhoids;
  • Stones or cystic formations in the prostate;
  • Malignant damage to the tissues of the glandular organ;
  • BPH;
  • Glandular tuberculosis.

If the patient with one of the above diagnoses is given a massage, it will greatly worsen his overall health and will worsen the course of the pathological process in the gland.

For hemorrhoids, it is better to limit yourself to external massage techniques.

What you need to pay attention to

Therapeutic prostate massage can be beneficial and harmful. It all depends on whether all the requirements for a prostate massage are met. Preparing for a physiotherapy activity is just as important. It consists of several stages:

  1. The first step is to understand if the general or rectal massage will harm the patient. To do this, you need to check if he has contraindications to the procedure;
  2. Immediately before the session, a man should clean the rectum of feces. If necessary, he will have to give a cleansing enema;
  3. A man must be decided for the procedure. Psychological preparation is also important, as a positive attitude towards rectal massage helps reduce the discomfort that patients usually feel;
  4. Pain in the anus may be felt during the first sessions. This is good. To minimize discomfort and pain syndrome, it is advisable to perform the procedure in 3-4 approaches, doing about 10 strokes each time.

The urologist should inform the patient in advance of possible side effects. They are usually limited to moderate pain and discomfort in the anus. All this happens after a short period of time after the end of the prostate massage. The symptoms of anxiety disappear on their own.

The course of massage treatment and its duration are chosen for each patient individually. This procedure usually takes no more than 3 minutes. If a man is diagnosed with advanced chronic prostatitis, the session can be increased to 5 minutes.

Prostate massage sessions are usually performed within 14 days. It is recommended to take a break at the end. It will be at least 6 months. If such a need arises, after six months the man will be able to attend treatment sessions again.

If, during a physiotherapy procedure, a man suddenly began to suffer from acute pain and severe anxiety, then it will have to be stopped immediately. Such signs are alarming. If they occur, it is recommended that they undergo a repeat diagnosis to calculate the cause of the concern.

Normally, when massaging the prostate gland, a secretion produced by the prostate should be released from the urethra. During diagnosis, fluid is collected and sent to the laboratory for analysis. If a man is recovering, then his secret will have a transparent or slightly white tinge.

With serious damage to prostate tissue, a secretion will be released, in which purulent masses are present. In this case, you should abandon the massage, as this can cause complications.

Prostate gland massage is usually considered as one of the stages of complex therapy. Such sessions should be performed along with medication. Only in this case, the treatment will soon bring a positive result, which awaits a man with inflammation in the prostate.